EC‑89/NAT.36 |
Estonia: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Kaili Terras Permanent Representative of the the Republic of Estonia to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2019 |
EC‑89/NAT.14 |
Germany: Withdrawal of Proposal by Germany Regarding Amendment to Regulation 6.3 of the OPCW Financial Regulations and Rules |
17 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.12 |
Netherlands: Statement by the Delegation of The Netherlands at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council Under Agenda Item 16 |
11 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.32 |
India: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Venu Rajamony Permanent Representative of India to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
10 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.20 |
Slovenia: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Sanja Stiglic Permanent Representative of the Republic of Slovenia to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
10 October 2018 |
Kenya: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Lawrence Lenayapa, CBS, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Republic of Kenya to the OPCW at the 89th session of the Executive Council |
10 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.23 |
Mexico: Statement by Everardo Corona Deputy Permanent Representative of Mexico to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
10 October 2018 |
Malta: Statement delivered by H.E. Mr Joseph Cole, Permanent Representative of Malta to the OPCW at the 89th Session of the Executive Council. |
10 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.21 |
Malaysia: Statement by Ms. F.H. Shifa Kusumaningrum Alternate Permanent Representative of Malaysia to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
10 October 2018 |
Switzerland: Statement by H.E. Heinz Walker-Nederkoorn Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the OPCW |
10 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.34 |
Morocco: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Abdelouahab Bellouki Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
10 October 2018 |
Romania: Statement delivered by H.E. Ambassador Brândușa Predescu Permanent Representative of Romania to the OPCW at the 89th session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.26 |
Brazil: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Regina Cordeiro Dunlop Permanent Representative of the Federative Republic of Brazil to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.37 |
New Zealand: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Lyndal Walker Permanent Representative of New Zealand to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.8 |
United Kingdom of Britain and Northern Ireland: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Peter Wilson Permanent Representative of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.33 |
Italy: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Andrea Perugini Permanent Representative of Italy to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.41 |
Panama: Statement by the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Panama to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
Declaration de la France prononcee par son Excellence M. Philippe Lalliot, Ambassadeur de France au Royaume des Pays-Bas, Representant permanent de la France aupres de l’OIAC |
9 October 2018 |
Iran: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Dr. Alireza JAHANGIRI Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
Iraq: Statement by H.E. Dr Hisham Al-Alawi, Permanent Representative to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.29 |
Germany: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Christine Weil Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.35 |
Portugal: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Rosa Batoréu Permanent Representative of Portugal to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.10 |
United States of America: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Kenneth D. Ward Permanent Representaive of the United States of America to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.40 |
Australia: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Matthew Neuhaus Permanent Representative of Australia to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.19 |
Sweden: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Annika Markovic Permanent Representative of Sweden to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.42 |
Venezuela: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Haifa Aissami Madah, Permanent Representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.17 |
Finland: Statement by Ambassador-Designate Ms Paivi Kaukoranta of the Republic of Finland at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.18 |
Bangladesh: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Sheikh Mohammed Belal Permanent Representative of the People's Republic of Bangladesh to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.25 |
Cuba: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Soraya Alvarez Nunez Permanent Representative of Cuba to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.39 |
Indonesia: Statement by H.E. Ambassador I Gusti Agung Wesaka Puja Permanent Representative of the Republic of Indonesia to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.9 |
Netherlands: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Paul Van Den Ijssel, Permanent Representative to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.30 |
Denmark: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Jens-Otto Horslund Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Denmark to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.24 |
Chile: Statement by Ambassador María Teresa Infante Permanent Representative of Chile to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.15 |
Canada: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Sabine Nolke Permanent Representive of Canada to the OPCW at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
9 October 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.5 |
Germany: Request for Circulation of a Document at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
28 September 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.3 |
Russian Federation: Request for Circulation of a Document at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council – Aide-Memoire of the Russian Federation |
6 September 2018 |
EC‑89/NAT.2 |
Russian Federation: Request for Circulation of a Document at the Eighty-Ninth Session of the Executive Council |
22 August 2018 |