Promoting chemical safety and security by providing tools and knowledge to mitigate the risks arising from chemical accidents and potential misuse of toxic chemicals , including the threat of terrorism. This programme aims to ensure that chemicals are only used for peaceful purposes throughout their lifecycle.
This programme promotes and disseminates chemical safety and security management culture, through the sharing of policies and best practices with chemistry practitioners, policy makers, National Authorities, and chemical industry associations to enhance capacities and improve cooperation.
The programme offers training to specialists on practical aspects of chemical safety and security, and forums to share and discuss best practices among stakeholders.
Meet the increasing need for specific safety and security training with regard to rapidly expanding and increasingly complex chemical industries, evolving developments in science and technology, and the growing number of dual/multiple use chemicals and technologies.
Discuss specific safety management issues that can occur in different professional environments, and promote the safe handling of chemicals.
Share information and exchange experiences, policies, and practices in chemical safety and security management, and generate recommendations for the review of the existing policies and practices.
Foster wider regional and international cooperation in the field of chemical safety and security management.
Host an Event
Member States interested in hosting an event for their chemical industry or regionally should submit a detailed request to the Secretariat. The event would be organised in consultation with the hosting Member State and/or Institution.

What is Chemical Safety?
“Chemical safety” refers to measures to prevent non-deliberate releases of toxic chemicals into the environment and to mitigate the impact if such events occur. Chemical safety comprises disciplines such as occupational safety, public safety, process safety, environment safety, consumer safety and transport safety. Many of these are also dealt with by other international conventions and by several other international bodies and lead agencies.

What is Chemical Security?
“Chemical security” refers to measures to prevent deliberate releases of toxic chemicals and to mitigate the impact if such events occur. In a wider context, it also includes policies to prevent attempts to acquire toxic chemicals or chemical weapons precursors.