Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council

Executive Council

Conference Room Papers

Information Series


Notes by the Director-General

Document Symbol Title Date
EC‑85/DG.28* Opening Statement by the Director-General to the Executive Council at its Eighty-Fifth Session 11 July 2017
EC‑85/DG.27 Comments and Views Received on the 2016 Verification Implementation Report 6 July 2017
EC‑85/DG.24 Comments on the Report of the Advisory Body on Administrative and Financial Matters at its Forty-Second Session 4 July 2017
EC‑85/DG.21 Progress in the Elimination of the Syrian Chemical Weapons Programme 23 June 2017
EC‑85/DG.20 Status of the Implementation of the Plan for the Destruction of Libya's Remaining Category 2 Chemical Weapons Outside the Territory of Libya 23 June 2017
EC‑85/DG.19 Report by the Director-General: Credentials of Representatives of the Members of the Executive Council 22 June 2017
EC‑85/8/Rev.1 Provisional Agenda of the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council 20 June 2017
EC‑85/DG.17 Status Report on the Timely Submission by States Parties of Declarations Under Article VI of the Chemical Weapons Convention for the Period from 1 January to 31 May 2017 16 June 2017
EC‑85/DG.18 Report on the Status of Implementation of the Enterprise Resource Planning System 16 June 2017
EC‑85/DG.16 First Inspections at the Barzah and Jamrayah Syrian Scientific Studies and Research Centre Facilities in the Syrian Arab Republic in Accordance with Decision EC-83/DEC.5 (dated 11 November 2016) 2 June 2017
EC‑85/DG.8/Corr.1 The Impact of the Developments in Science and Technology in the Context of the Chemical Weapons Convention - Corrigendum 31 May 2017
EC‑85/DG.13 Update on the Technical Secretariat’s Readiness to Conduct a Challenge Inspection or an Investigation of Alleged Use 31 May 2017
EC‑85/DG.14 Lists of New Validated Data of Scheduled Chemicals for Approval by the Executive Council for Inclusion in the OPCW Central Analytical Database 31 May 2017
EC‑85/DG.12 Implementation in 2016 of the Recommendations Contained in the 2015 Annual Report of the Office of Internal Oversight 26 May 2017
EC‑85/DG.9 Status of the Implementation of the Plan for the Destruction of Libya's Remaining Category 2 Chemical Weapons Outside the Territory of Libya 24 May 2017
EC‑85/DG.10 C‑22/DG.4 Annual Report of the Office of Internal Oversight for the Period from 1 January 2016 to 31 December 2016 24 May 2017
EC‑85/DG.11 Progress in the Elimination of the Syrian Chemical Weapons Programme 24 May 2017
EC‑85/DG.8 The Impact of the Developments in Science and Technology in the Context of the Chemical Weapons Convention 19 May 2017
EC‑85/DG.5 Progress in the Elimination of the Syrian Chemical Weapons Programme 24 April 2017
EC‑85/DG.4 Status of the Implementation of the Plan for the Destruction of Libya's Remaining Category 2 Chemical Weapons Outside the Territory of Libya 24 April 2017
EC‑85/DG.3 Report on the Results of the Implementation of Policy Guidelines for Determining the Number of Article VI Inspections 10 April 2017
EC‑85/DG.2 Progress in the Elimination of the Syrian Chemical Weapons Programme 23 March 2017

Notes by the Technical Secretariat

National Statements

Document Symbol Title Date
EC‑85/NAT.24 Russian Federation: Statement by H.E. Ambassador A.V. Shulgin Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council 14 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.27 Russian Federation: Statement by H.E. Ambassador A.V. Shulgin Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council Under Agenda Item 6(g) 14 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.28 Russian Federation: Statement by H.E. Ambassador A.V. Shulgin Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council Under Agenda Item 9 14 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.26 Russian Federation: Statement by H.E. Ambassador A.V. Shulgin Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council Under Agenda Item 6(e) 14 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.12 Cuba: Open-Ended Working Group on Future Priorities of the OPCW under Agenda Item 18 13 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.25 Russian Federation: Statement by H.E. Ambassador A.V. Shulgin Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council Under Agenda Item 19 13 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.13 Cuba: Proposals for the Workshop on Article XI under Agenda Item 6(l) 12 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.20 Iran: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Dr Alireza Jahangiri Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council 12 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.23 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Statement by the Delegation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council under Agenda Item 6 (c) 12 July 2017
Vietnam: Statement at the Eighty-Fifth Executive Council 12 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.17 Turkey: Statement by the Permanent Representation of Turkey to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council 11 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.32 Pakistan: Statement by H.E. Ambassaor Iffat Imran Gardezi, Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council 11 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.11 Indonesia: Statement by the Delegation of the Republic of Indonesia to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council 11 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.8 Germany: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Christoph Israng Permanent Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council 11 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.19 Italy: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Andrea Perugini Permanent Representative of Italy to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council 11 July 2017
India: Statement at the Eighty-Fifth Executive Council 11 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.21 Brazil: Statement by Ambassador Regina Maria Cordeiro Dunlop, Permanent Representative of Brazil to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council 11 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.30 Switzerland: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Urs Breiter Permanent Representative of Switzerland to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council 11 July 2017
Senegal: Statement at the Eighty-Fifth Executive Council 11 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.16 Sweden: Statement by the Delegation of the Kingdom of Sweden at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council under Agenda Item 6(g) 11 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.33 Venezuela: Statement on behalf of the Members of the NAM that are States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention and China delivered by H.E. Ambassador Haifa Aissami Madah Permanent Representative of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the OPCW 11 July 2017
Bangladesh: Statement Statement at the Eighty-Fifth Executive Council 11 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.7 Estonia: Statement on behalf of the European Union delivered by H.E. Ambassador Peep Jahilo Permanent Representative of the Republic of Estonia to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council 11 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.10 United States of America: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Kenneth D. Ward Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council 11 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.14 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Statement by the Delegation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council 11 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.31 Netherlands: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Paul Wilke Acting Permanent Representative of the Netherlands to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council 11 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.15 Canada: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Sabine Nölke Permanent Representative of Canada to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council 11 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.18 Australia: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Brett Mason Permanent Representative of Australia to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council 11 July 2017
Sudan: Statement at the Eighty-Fifth Executive Council 11 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.9 Sweden: Statement by Dr Christer Ahlström, Director-General, Inspectorate of Strategic Products of Sweden to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council 11 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.22 South Africa: Statement on behalf of the African Group of States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention delivered by H.E. Ambassador Vusi Bruce Koloane, Acting Coordinator and Permanent Representative of the Republic of South Africa to the OPCW 11 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.29 Japan: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Hiroshi Inomata Permanent Representative of Japan to the OPCW at the Eighty-Fifth Session of the Executive Council 11 July 2017
EC‑85/NAT.3 United States of America: Report to the Eighty-Second Session of the Executive Council on Progress Achieved Towards Complete Destruction (31 May 2017) 22 June 2017
EC‑85/NAT.2 Panama: Concept Plan for the Destruction of Eight Old Chemical Weapons 16 June 2017
EC‑85/NAT.4 Libya: Report to the Executive Council at its Eighty-Fifth Session on the Progress Achieved Towards the Complete Destruction of the Remaining Chemical Weapons Stockpile (31 May 2017) 15 June 2017
EC‑85/NAT.1 Russian Federation: Comment by the Information and Press Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation on the Syrian “Chemical Dossier” 30 May 2017

Working Papers

Appointment of the Director-General