One Hundred and Seventh Session of the Executive Council

Notes by the Director-General

Document Symbol Title Date
EC‑107/DG.21 Report by the Director-General: Progress in the Implementation of Decision C-SS-4/DEC.3 on Addressing the Threat from Chemical Weapons Use 30 September 2024
EC‑107/DG.20 Report by the Director-General: Progress in the Elimination of the Syrian Chemical Weapons Programme 24 September 2024
EC‑107/DG.19 C‑29/DG.13 Note by the Director-General: Annual Report on the Implementation of the Action Plan for the Universality of the Chemical Weapons Convention During the Period 16 August 2023 to 15 August 2024 20 September 2024
EC‑107/DG.4/Corr.1 Note by the Director-General: Draft Revised Programme and Budget of the OPCW for 2025 Corrigendum 20 September 2024
EC‑107/1 Provisional Agenda for the 107th Session of the Executive Council 11 September 2024
EC‑107/DG.9 C‑29/DG.8 Report by the Director-General: Overview of the Status of Implementation of Article VII of the Chemical Weapons Convention as at 31 July 2024 26 August 2024
EC‑107/DG.10 C‑29/DG.9 Report by the Director-General: Status of Implementation of Article VII of the Chemical Weapons Convention as at 31 July 2024: Initial Measures 26 August 2024
EC‑107/DG.11 C‑29/DG.10 Report by the Director General: Status of Implementation of Article VII of the Chemical Weapons Convention as at 31 July 2024: Additional Measures for States Parties That Possess Industrial Facilities Which Are Declarable Under the Convention 26 August 2024
EC‑107/DG.5 Report by the Director-General: Progress in the Elimination of the Syrian Chemical Weapons Programme 24 July 2024
EC‑107/DG.4 Note by the Director-General: Draft Revised Programme and Budget of the OPCW for 2025 2 July 2024
EC‑107/DG.1 Note by the Director-General: Lists of Newly Validated Data on Scheduled Chemicals for Approval by the Executive Council for Inclusion in the OPCW Central Analytical Database 13 June 2024
EC‑107/DG.2 Note by the Director-General: Lists of Newly Validated Data on Non-scheduled Chemicals Relevant to the Chemical Weapons Convention for Approval by the Executive Council for Inclusion in the OPCW Central Analytical Database 13 June 2024
EC‑107/DG.3 Note by the Director-General: Lists of Approved Data Recommended for Removal from the OPCW Central Analytical Database 13 June 2024

Notes by the Technical Secretariat



Information Series

National Statements

Document Symbol Title Date
Germany: Note Verbale No. 36/2024 from the Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the OPCW addressed to the Technical Secretariat and the Chairperson of the Executive Council dated 9 October 2024 9 October 2024
Venezuela: Statement by H. E. Ambassador Hector Constant-Rosales Permanent Representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council (Spanish) 8 October 2024
Ireland: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Ann Derwin Permanent Representative of Ireland to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
France: Statement by H.E Ambassador M. François Alabrune Permanent Representative of the French Republic to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Ecuador: Statement by the Delegation of the Republic of Ecuador to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council (Spanish) 8 October 2024
North Macedonia: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Beti Jacheva Permanent Representative of the Republic of North Macedonia to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Syrian Arab Republic: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Milad Atieh Permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council (Arabic) 8 October 2024
Iraq: Statement by the Delegation of the Republic of Iraq to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council (Arabic) 8 October 2024
Ghana: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Francis D. Kotia Permanent Representative of the Republic of Ghana to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
European Union: Statement on Behalf of the European Union Delivered by H.E. Ambassador Dániel Mihály Horogszegi Szilágyi Permanent Representative of Hungary to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Lithuania: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Neilas Tankevičius Permanent Representative of the Republic of Lithuania to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Malaysia: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Roseli Abdul Permanent Representative of Malaysia to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Myanmar: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Soe Lynn Han Permanent Representative of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Romania: Statement by Mr. Eugen Mihut Deputy Permanent Representative of Romania to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Czech Republic: Statement by H.E. Ambassador René Miko Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Panama: Statement by Mr. Renato Famiglietti Chargé D'Affaires Permanent Representation of the Republic of Panama to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council (Spanish) 8 October 2024
Türkiye: Statement By H.E. Ambassador Selçuk Ünal Permanent Representative of the Republic of Türkiye to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Ukraine: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Oleksandr Karasevych Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Canada: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Hugh Adsett Permanent Representative of Canada to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council (French) 8 October 2024
China: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Tan Jian Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of China to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council (Chinese) 8 October 2024
Morocco: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Mohamed Basri Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council (French) 8 October 2024
South Africa: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Vusimuzi Madonsela Permanent Representative of the Republic of South Africa to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Sweden: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Johannes Oljelund Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Sweden to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Italy: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Giorgio Novello Permanent Representative of the Italian Republic to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Germany: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Thomas Schieb Permanent Representative of the the Federal Republic of Germany to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Venezuela: Statement by H. E. Ambassador Hector Constant-Rosales Permanent Representative of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council (Spanish) 8 October 2024
Ghana: Statement on Behalf of the Group of African States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention Delivered by the Coordinator of the Group H.E. Ambassador Francis D. Kotia Permanent Representative of the Republic of Ghana to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Bangladesh: Statement by H. E. Ambassador Tareque Muhammad Permanent Representative of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
India: Statement by Mr. Gince K. Mattam Chargé d' Affaires Permanent Representation of the Republic of India to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Mexico: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Carmen Moreno Toscano Permanent Representative of the United Mexican States to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Nigeria: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Oluremi Oliyide Chargé D’ Affaires of the Embassy of The Federal Republic of Nigeria to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Spain: Statement by the Delegation of the Kingdom of Spain to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Qatar: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Dr. Mutlaq bin Majed Al-Qahtani Permanent Representative of the State of Qatar to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Angola: Statement by H. E. Ambassador Maria Isabel de Resende Encoge Permanent Representative of the Republic of Angola to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Pakistan: Statement by H.E Ambassador Suljuk Mustansar Tarar Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Syrian Arab Republic: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Milad Atieh Permanent Representative of the Syrian Arab Republic to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
El Salvador: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Agustín Vásquez Gómez Permanent Representative of the Republic of El Salvador to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council (Spanish) 8 October 2024
El Salvador: Statement on Behalf of Latin American and Caribbean Countries Delivered by the Coordinator of the Group H.E. Ambassador Agustín Vásquez Gómez Permanent Representative of the Republic of El Salvador to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council (Spanish) 8 October 2024
Republic of Korea: Statement by Ms. Hyejeong Ahn Chargé d'Affaires Permanent Representation of the Republic of Korea to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
United States of America: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Nicole Shampaine Permanent Representative of the United States of America to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Switzerland: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Corinne Cicéron Bühler Permanent Representative of the Swiss Confederation to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council (French and English) 8 October 2024
Iran: Statement by H. E. Ambassador Hadi Farajvand Permanent Representative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Panama: Statement by Mr. Renato Famiglietti Chargé D'Affaires Permanent Representation of the Republic of Panama to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council (Spanish) 8 October 2024
South Africa: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Vusimuzi Madonsela Permanent Representative of the Republic of South Africa to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Saudi Arabia: Statement by H.H. Prince Jalawi bin Turki Al Saud Charge d'Affaires Permanent Representation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council (Arabic) 8 October 2024
Canada: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Hugh Adsett Permanent Representative of Canada to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 8 October 2024
Mexico: Statement by H.E. Ambassador Carmen Moreno Toscano Permanent Representative of the United Mexican States to the OPCW at the 107th Session of the Executive Council (Spanish) 8 October 2024
EC‑107/NAT.4 Russian Federation: Request for Circulation of a Document at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 3 October 2024
EC‑107/NAT.3 Russian Federation: Request for Circulation of a Document at the 107th Session of the Executive Council 3 October 2024
EC‑107/NAT.1 Japan: Report on the Current Status of the ACW Project in China in Accordance with Executive Council Decision EC-67/DEC.6 Reporting Period: 1 June – 31 August 2024 13 September 2024