Participants at the Regional Workshop on the Peaceful Development and Use of Chemistry, which was held in the Republic of Korea from 15 – 17 October 2014.
The OPCW and National Authority of the Republic of Korea organised a workshop on the peaceful development and use of chemistry for OPCW States Parties in the Asian region from 15 to 17 October 2014 in Seoul. The workshop was attended by 20 participants from 12 States Parties* and a representative from Myanmar, a State not Party – a mixture of government officials responsible for chemical industry, chemical industry representatives, academics, and chemists.
The workshop was organised with the support of a generous voluntary contribution from the Korean Government and opened by Mr. Chul-min Park, Deputy Director General in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It aimed to enhance the national capacities of the participating States Parties based on Korea’s experience with chemical technology and industrial development, including chemical safety and security.
The workshop covered the growth and development of Korea’s chemical industry and export control system, and the prospects and challenges facing chemical industry in the Asian region. The programme included, inter alia, presentations on Korea’s Emergency Response Management, best practises in Responsible Care® activities, the K-REACH concept, and risk management for small and medium enterprises. Participants made a field trip to the state-of-the-art Korean Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT), which conducts research in green chemistry, technology, and chemical safety and security.
* Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Korea (Republic of), Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Yemen