On the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Entry into Force of the Chemical Weapons Convention and the founding of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), the Minister of Foreign Affairs the Russian Federation, H.E. Mr S.V. Lavrov sent the following message to OPCW Director-General, Ambassador Rogelio Pfirter:
“The 29th of April 2007 is an important milestone for the world community; it is the date on which we mark the tenth anniversary of the entry into force of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). Since coming into force, the CWC has become one of the principal instruments in the filed of disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and an important part of the mechanism for maintaining international security and stability. The CWC has demonstrated its effectiveness as regards both ridding the world of chemical weapons and promoting international cooperation in the peaceful use of chemical technologies.
At this stage, the most important objective of the CWC continues to be the destruction of existing stockpiles of chemical weapons. This task is becoming even more urgent because of the real danger that weapons of mass destruction, including chemical weapons, might fall into the hands of international terrorists. Freeing the world from chemical warfare agents is the best safeguard against their use for hostile purposes. The progress made by the possessor states in this area is obvious. It is, however, of paramount importance that all the possessor states comply with the deadlines established by the CWC for the destruction of chemical weapons.
Russia, is committed to this goal and, technical, financial and economic difficulties notwithstanding, is doing its utmost to achieve it in a timely manner. The most vivid example of this is the destruction of 20% of Russia’s CW stockpiles within the established deadline. This important achievement, which coincides with the tenth anniversary of the CWC, has been possible thanks to both Russia’s own concentrated efforts and to the international assistance which Russia has been receiving.
Strengthening the regime of non-proliferation of chemical weapons and the materials required for producing them is a task which the States Parties to the Convention have in common. In this context, sustained efforts to encourage new states to join the CWC and to ensure full national implementation of its provisions should remain our top priorities.
In our view, the OPCW has now matured and is operating to its full capacity. We appreciate the work which the Technical Secretariat is doing to achieve the goals of the CWC. We highly value the contribution which you, as Director-General, are making to the efficient functioning of the Technical Secretariat.
As one of the most active States Parties to the CWC, Russia will continue to do its utmost to contribute to the effective implementation thereof for the benefit of international peace and security.
I wish you every success in your future work.”
PR47 / 2007