Online Basic Training course on Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders (WISER) and the use of Emergency Response Guidebook (ERG) for First Responders in East Africa Community (EAC) States Parties

Abidjan, Cóte d'lvoire (Online)

6 and 7 October 2020

The online basic training on WISER/ERG is an integral part of the capacity building programme in assistance and protection for the Member States of the East African Community (ECA).

This training would be technically supported by Population Protection Institute of the Czech Republic.

This training is aimed at personnel involved in emergency management, development of an emergency-response system and/or leaders of the first response teams in their respective country.


The main focus of this training is to build the capacity of First Responders in the ECA States Parties to quickly and accurately characterize and contain a chemical incident, during initial response phase; as well as to acquire basic knowledge and skills on the use of WISER/ERG towards identification of toxic chemical and containment/distancing. Its objective is to demonstrate how WISER could provide a wide range of information on hazardous substances, including hazard identification, protective distance plotting and containment.